
Looking After your Online Image

Looking After your Online Image

In this digital age, it is of the utmost importance that we protect our online image. In the past, of course, this was not something that anybody had to think about. But now being careless with your online profile can lead to many problems. Not only can something carelessly posted on Facebook or Twitter haunt you forever, but it can cause irreparable damage to your personal and professional image. Young people, especially, do not understand that whatever is posted on the internet can affect their image. Many teens will post pictures of underage drinking, or their antics at parties, for anyone to see. Not only are they posting pictures themselves, but friends are taking pictures of them and then tagging them in photos. It is never too early to educate our young people about protecting their images and their reputations. Potential employers will search the internet before hiring a candidate for a job and what they find may affect their decisions about hiring.

It's a good idea to search your name on Google to see if anything you don't like comes up. If anything unfavourable comes up, make a note of what it is so you can fix it. Set all your settings to private for family and friends to access only. Look through all the photos and videos that you may have posted in the past. Try to look at them through the eyes of a potential Email Marketing List employer and remove anything that throws an unfavourable light on you or your friends and family. This includes photos of drinking, even though you may be of legal drinking age, excessive partying, and barely dressed shots. Anything that gives a negative impression of you should be removed. If you find photos that you don't like posted on a friend's site, ask them to remove them. This can be a tricky, time-consuming job but will be worth it in the long run. There may be hundreds of photos on the internet, if you have an active social life, which should be removed.

Be careful never to write or post anything that you don't want the world to see. Remember, once it is posted it cannot be taken back. Never post items or send e-mails when you are angry or upset or under the influence of alcohol. You will regret it. Try to use social media in a positive way. Create a Link In profile for potential employers. Work as carefully on it as you would a resume. This is a great way to get positive exposure and access to possible future employers. Pay close attention to what you say on Twitter. Make sure all posts are well written and free from profanity and negativity.

