
Import substitution in the oil and gas industry

Import substitution in the oil and gas industry

At the moment, in a number of industries, the replacement of imported parts, components, machines for production is a matter of national security and sovereignty of the country  below I will give examples that will fully substantiate my point of view

Alexey filippov, general director of gpc pharmaceuticals

Speaker — alexey filippov, general director of gpc pharmaceuticals

I'll start with the topic closest to us - the fuel and energy sector, or rather oil and gas production  do you know that russian oil companies are % dependent on the supply of western equipment mobile number list components for it? The greatest problems are felt in the import of pumping and compressor equipment, equipment for geological and seismic exploration,

software and hardware systems and automation systems, equipment and technologies for offshore drilling, so the development of import substitution in oil production is required  

feeds the country only by - will be able to partially provide itself with the necessary equipment  large companies have taken the simple path of copying the best western designs  we are actually talking about industrial espionage, when equipment is purchased abroad for third parties and delivered to russia under gray schemes  

but the adventures do not end there, there are no enterprises on the spot that can repeat not even the finished product, but the components for it.

